

Stay updated on weather, forecasts, maps, alerts, and synced locations everywhere.


Hourly forecasts, alerts, precipitation tracking, detailed conditions, and weather news updates.


Search, save, and access favorite weather locations across all your  devices.

Weather Maps

Track storms, wind patterns, and conditions with detailed, animated maps and visualizations.


Get notified about rain, snow, or severe events like tornadoes and hurricanes.

Air Quality

Track air quality levels, daily changes, and receive health-focused recommendations easily.

Historical Trends

Plan trips with seasonal temperature and precipitation visualizations for informed decision-making.

Sun and Moon

Track sunrise, sunset, moon phases, and detailed lunar and daylight insights.

Air Quality

Search, save, and access favorite weather locations across all your  devices.

More Use Cases

Use widgets, Apple Watch, and Siri for quick, on-the-go weather updates.